Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë
Illustrated and set in a story of revenge and hatred, of unbridled passions and desperate loves that Fernando Vicente recreates perfectly.
Wuthering Heights this illustrated book of the story of Emily Brontë.
The tragic love story between Catherine and Heathcliff full of ghosts and as the title says of storms on the English countryside. A more straw-colored field than Mansfield Park, as the moors should be where this story of madness and seduction unfolds.
Small Visual metaphor
First of all, the illustrations there is some small visual metaphor like those black crows that persecute Heathcliff, black as his soul. On the other hand, Fernando drawn Catherine redhead because besides having a point of madness that hair color represents his heart on fire
Some other works of Fernando Vicente the blog
Fernando Vicente, whose images, no doubt , contribute to discover in this classic new meanings. More than ever, a masterpiece
- Título: Cumbres Borrascosas. (Edición ilustrada por Fernando de Vicente)
- Autor: Emily Brönte (traducción de Amelia Pérez de Villar)
- Editorial: Tres Hermanas (Podéis encontrar más información del libro aquí)
- Colección: Clásicos Revisitados
- Tapa dura: 334 páginas