Illustration art to start here we can find some of his most representative works in the field of illustration.
The artist Fernando Vicente makes Illustration art for the press, published in the newspaper El País. Fundamentally in its sections of culture or in the Babelia culture supplement.
Fashion art
Probably, his illustration art drawings are among the most elegant of the current scene. His long collaboration with Gentleman fashion magazine for men is noteworthy.
Likewise, the illustration that the artist Fernando has made for the posters of the book fair in Madrid, the flechazo reader of 2015. It is worth noting, the posters of the autumn fairs of the old and old books. Fernando has made four consecutive editions of this fair.
Another of the most representative works of the artist are for Book covers.
Finally, we will find a lot of collaborations with the prestigious photographer Paco Navarro in his joint work Photo-illustration.
Finally, we will find a large number of collaborations with other sectors that have opted for illustration.